Sunday, October 29, 2006

Tourmalet ....... eventually

Yesterday I set off to ride up the Col deTourmalet, though didn't get far at all before I realised that the rear wheel on Ann's bike had a big dint in the rim, which made it have it's very own speed bump.

So instead I went for a ride or should I say push bike expedition, up the hill that we are camped below. I didn't make it far, maybe an hour uphill before i decided that pushing up such a steep hill was going to have little in the way of rewards.

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So after an ice cold beer we went to decathlon, bought a new rear wheel for the bike, and joined the kids, who seem more than happy to play on the playground all day long.

Today after breakfast, I set off once again for the Tourmalet. I have ridden up once before though from the other side, so I had an idea what to expect.

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The col at 2115 metres is a regular feature in the Tour de France, a profile of the col here.

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4 hours up from Agos Vidalos, and 1 hour 15 minutes back to base. A round trip of about 84Km or 50 miles.

Ann has been knitting, Skye has been taking pics with her new camera, Tom has been playing at the playground.

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At 10:08 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Splendid. I'm enjoying all this ...although it's upsetting me somwehat ;-)


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