HavenĀ“t been able to find an internet connection for nearly a week.
Been travelling round the pyrennees, even spent a couple of days in the duty free haven that is Andorra.
Now in Spain, the Costa Brava to be precise.
One day I'll get there.........
Dear Ann & Rich,
glad to see you r having a wonderful time. I am in Berlin at the momemnt near the end of my mini tour of central europe. I finished my course at the end of October and have gone interrailing without the interrail pass. Having a wonderful time but shuld be in London by the end of the month. I am sorry that I missed you. Will try and catch up with if possible so please keep in touch because i think it would be easier to find you than me at the moment. Do u have a phone number that I could call or is it only for emergrncies. There is a bizarre CD on the bankground of 80 classics made into jazz. Love will tear us appart does not work at all.
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