Friday, September 29, 2006

And breathe.

We've had a busy, busy week.

Monday started at 5:55am, and we finally unpacked the last of our junk at my Mum's storage facility, at 7:20pm that evening. There were still a few boxes that needed collecting on Tuesday.

Tuesday thru Thursday, were spent chasing outstanding bills and other paperwork.

We've moved across to Ann's parents for the weekend, as this is where we are selling our car from tomorrow.

As I write, Ann is collecting the Motorhome from the Cotswolds.

Tomorrow maybe a ride in the Peak District.

Sunday we're heading back to Leeds to collect our belongings and pack them into the motorhome.

Monday we'll be heading north.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

We've moved

A quick note.

I survived the 3 peaks. It was a tough race.

We no longer live in Liverpool, or own a house.

Deposit has been paid on a Motorhome, that we'll pick up this weekend.

More soon.....

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Sunday, and Monday coming, in no particular order

Long awaited events are just round the corner.

Sunday - 3 peaks cyclo cross race.

Monday - Completion on our house looks set to go ahead.

I've been rushing about today, doing my best to organise final payments for utilities, changes of address, and phoning the solicitor for the umpteenth time.

Should have gone for a ride this evening, instead opting for a couple of Nastro Azzurros, and a glass of wine.

Feeling relaxed now, and got a ride on a bike planned for tomorrow.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Ultimatum time.

On Friday we instructed our Solicitor to issue an ultimatum.

Completion on or before the 25th of September, or we remarket the property, and/ or increase the price.

Our buyer allegedly has everything in place to complete now, though doesn't seem to be in much of a hurry to do so.

Meanwhile, we bumped into an estate agent on Friday, who has given us a significantly higher valuation to the one on the house he gave us in March of this year.

So if the sale falls through, we'll probably be stuck here until early next year, though we'll get more for the house.

Watch this space............

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Fixed Gear .... or not.

It seems really weird, but I haven't ridden either of my fixed gear bikes for ages.

Preparation for the 3 peaks cyclo-cross race has been fairly high on my list of things to do, so I've been riding the bike I'm going to race on.

Originally I was going to compete on my Surly Cross Check (see pic)
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Though knowing the course in parts, I couldn't help but feel that my race time would be severely lengthened by having to push, when I should be riding.

So instead I'll be riding Ann's Lemond Poprad which currently sports 18 gears, though by race day, it may even have 27.

I'd hate to get to the end thinking I could have done better if I'd used a different bike.

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