The Road to Morocco.
One day I'll get there.........
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Skye's Expedition
We're just coming to the end of a great weekend. Most of which has been spent in the Lake District.
Skye had been asking for ages if she could climb up a "Big Mountain" so of course her expedition was duly organised. Saturday morning, breakfast yummed and we're away. Ann kindly drops us at the car park, and soon enough we're onwards and upwards.

I'd picked a hill, Coniston old Man, that has many attractions, old mines, lakes, industrial archeology and of course the weather was nice.
Skye found flowers, rocks, lakes, railway lines, shit beetles, but found walking up that hill hard work.
We drank lots, ate a bit, and soon enough we were there.

Down, down, down.
It was super windy on the top, not a place to hang around, and we zoomed of the top of the Old Man. At the pass, a steep descent to the lake. Whoops a grazed knee, a couple of tears, knees a little wobbly.
Cake to the rescue.

Not far now. All the crisps you can eat + lemonade too.
Some time later, the Black Bull, crisps lemonade crisps lemonade crisps crisps lemonade.
Back at the lake me and Tom went to throw stones.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Getting back into the riding and running.
I did go out riding on Sunday over in the Clywds with Dave Debs, Stu and others, and in spite of my complete lack of fitness, quite enjoyed the 3+ hours we were out. The only thing that was weird, was riding in the rain, after the long hot spell. Debs' fine cakes were excellent as usual. Notably, we encountered quite a lot of pretty girls out on their mountain bikes too along the way.
Originally I'd thought that after the ride, I'd nip back via Llandegla, do a loop there, and then head back. But do be honest I was knackered, so I didn't.
I was suppose do be out riding in Delamere on Monday night, but went for one of those 10 minute snoozes 40 mins before setting off, and woke up an hour and a half after. Whoops.
Today Ann and I went for a 45 minute run, up and down to South Head (towards the Roych), notable additions, are a couple of massive rocks that have been dumped, presumably to stop the 4 wheel drive boys. Hopefully these should make good jumps on the bike, looks like someone has started building them up already. I'll take the Bullit up for a look.
Looking forward to going out riding again with some mates from Wetherby way in the next couple of weeks that I haven't ridden regularly with for a long while. Nice riding, company, and good beer after too.
Running again tomorrow, and biking as well. I haven't lost an ounce in the last week. Though I'm just glad to be back out there doing stuff really.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Running, cycling, spare tyres and inspiration.
As a consequence of my lack of exertion recently, I have for the first time in my life got a spare tyre to carry around my middle, just above my waist.
Of course I have plenty of excuses as to why I haven't been out running and riding my bike.......
All I really needed was some inspiration to get my self back in shape again.
Some inspiration was received earlier in the week, in the form of an email showing my naked new frame that I'll be racing on later in the year.

It is off to the anodizers soon for some blackness to be added. I'm looking forward to riding it soon.
More inspiration has been from reading of Steve's recent running successes over at Furious Cycling . He also recently published an account of a pleasant evenings entertainment round Llandegla we had last year here at .
The final bit of inspiration, was when my Mum commented "You're getting a bit of a tummy, Richard" . Nothing like Mum's view on things to put them in true perspective.
Today suitably inspired I made a start at regaining some fitness.
Ann and I have been out for a run. Well more like a jog if I'm honest. A loop from Mary and Elliotts up to Ollersett, and Peep O' day. Took just over 40 minutes. This is the first run I've done since the Lantern Pike fell race last September, in which my performance was crap. After that race I'd resigned myself that running was to be consigned to the past.
Tomorrow going out with some of the STW massive, over at Cilcain.
On the house in France front, I think we have just about finalised the plans with our architect.
The front elevation shown below.